Mahdi Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti
Mechanics of Agricultural Machinery Department
Name: Mahdi Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti
Nationality: Iranian
Marital Status: Married
E-mail address:
Mechanics of Agricultural Machinery Engineering Department, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran, 2007-2011.
Dissertation title:
Design, development and implementation of a metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) based machine olfaction system and bioelectronic tongue to quality change detection of beers coupled with pattern recognition analysis techniques.
Sabbatical Leave: Spain (Valladolid) , France (Metz)
Mechanics of Agricultural Machinery Engineering Department, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran, 2005-2007
Thesis title:
Effects of rotor speed and output flow rate on rice quality in a modified blade type whitener.
Mechanics of Agricultural Machinery Engineering Department, University of Ilam, Ilam, Iran, 2001-2005
1- Engineering Mathematics
2- Dynamics
3- Statics
4- Engineering Statistics
5- Professional English
Membership in societies
1. Member, Iranian Society of Agricultural Machinery Engineers and Mechanization,
2. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).
Reviewer, Journal of Food Quality (Blachwell synergy), 2007.
Reviewer, CIGR Journal, 2008-2009
Reviewer, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2010
Reviewer, Sensors, 2012.
Reviewer, Journal of Food Science, 2012
Reviewer, Journal of Food Engineering, 2012
Reviewer, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012
Award: First Prize Winner on The selection of the best researchers in Agricultural Machinery Engineering Dept., University of Tehran, Iran, 2007.
First prize Winner on the 18th research Festival of University of Tehran., Iran, Dec 2009
Food Machinery Engineering
Food Machinery and Technology
Electronic nose and tongue
Food quality control
Gas sensors and biosensors
Chemical sensors
Chemometric techniques
Abstract and indexing: JCR (Journal with Impact Factor)
available on
1. Saiedirad, M.H., Tabatabaeefar, A., Boghei, M., Mirsalehi, M., Badie, F. Ghasemi Varnamkhasti, M., 2008. Effect of moisture content, seed size, speed and direction of loading on force and energy required for fracturing cumin (Cuminum cyminum Linn.) seed under quasi-static loading, Journal of Food Engineering, 86, 4, 565-572.
2. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M., Mohtasebi, S.S., Siadat, M. & Balasubramanian S. 2009. Meat quality assessment by electronic nose (machine olfaction technology). Sensors, 9, 6058-6083.
3. Farahmandfar, R., Farahmandfar, E., Ghasemi Varnamkhasti, M., Zarei, M., 2010. Milled rice quality assessment. International Journal of Food Engineering, 6, 2, Article 7, 1-8
4. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M., Mohtasebi, S.S., Siadat, M., 2010. Biomimetic-based odor and taste sensing systems to food quality and safety characterization: An overview on basic principles and recent achievements. Journal of Food Engineering 100, 377–387.
5. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M., Mohtasebi, S.S., Rodriguez-Mendez, M.L., Lozano, J., Razavi, S.H., Ahmadi, H., 2011. Potential application of electronic nose technology in brewery. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 22, 165-174.
6. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M., Mohtasebi, S.S., Rodriguez-Mendez, M.L., Siadat, M., Ahmadi, H., Razavi, S.H. 2011. Electronic and bioelectronic tongues, two promising analytical tools for the quality evaluation of non alcoholic beer. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 22, 245-248.
7. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M., Mohtasebi, S.S., Siadat, M., Ahmadi, H., Razavi, S.H., Dicko, A. 2011. Aging fingerptint characterization of beer using electronic nose. Sensors and Actuators B, 159, 51-59.
8. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M., Rodriguez-Mendez, M.L., Mohtaseb, S.S., Apetrei, C., Lozano, J., Ahmadi, H., Razavi, S.H., Ahmadi, S.H., De Saja, J.A., 2012. Monitoring the aging of beers using a bioelectronic tongue. Food Control, 25, 216-224.
9. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M., Mohtaseb, S.S., Rodriguez-Mendez, M.L., Razavi, S.H., Ahmadi, S.H., Apetrei, C., 2012. Classification of non-alcoholic beer based on aftertaste sensory evaluation by chemometric tools. Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 4315-4327.
10. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M., Mohtasebi, M.M., Rodriguez-Mendez, M.L., Gomes A. A., Araújo, M.C.U., Galvão, R. K.H. 2012. Screening analysis of beer ageing using near infrared spectroscopy and the Successive Projections Algorithm for variable selection. Talanta, 89, 286-291.
11. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M., Mohtasebi, S.S., Siadat, M., Razavi, S.H., Ahmadi, H., Dicko, A. 2012. Discriminatory power assessment of the sensor array of an electronic nose system for the detection of non alcoholic beer aging. Czech Journal Food Science, 30: 237–241.
CAB Index
Hashemi-nasab, S.M., Tabatabaeefar A., Ghasemi Varnamkhasti, M., Minae, S. & Alizadeh, M.R. 2009. Effects of milling machine type, variety and milling duration on rice breakage, degree of milling and whitening index. Iranian Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 39,1, 109-121. (In Persian).
Ghasemi Varnamkhasti, M., Mobli, H., Jafari, A., Heidari Soltanabadi, M., Keyhani, A.R., Rafiee, S.,2008. Rice quality investigation of Sorkheh variety using a rotor equipped with screw conveyor in blade whitener. Journal of Agricultural and Natural Science, 44, 257-266. (In Persian).
Ghasemi Varnamkhasti, M., Mobli, H., Jafari, A., Heidari Soltanabadi, M., Keyhani, A.R., Rafiee, S.,2008. Effect of Rotor Speed and Output Rate of Modified Blade Whitener on Breakage Percentage and Degree of Milling of Sazandegi Variety, Journal of Agricultural Science, 17,4, 189-198. (In Persian).